Increasingly now youre seeing articles from established left wing media isntitutions insist that Israel is NOT colonialist, in a desperate attempt to tape back together the shattered coalition of wealthy liberal elites and supporters of BLM etc.

Soon they will realise that decades of lazy binary analysis (white man bad, brown people good) is far too powerful to be overridden by 15 page think pieces in The Atlantic. The new lines have been drawn and they will start to react accordingly.

This could/should be a major turning point if the right acts intelligently.

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Never underestimate the GOP's ability to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat. They have great IDEAS, but they choke when it's their turn up to bat.

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Now strictly from the American interest of *we must stop betraying everyone else including our own * and this is a good place to start as any - we should let Israel finish this part.

>but the best thing that could happen for the doing of fell deeds is get Palestine/Israel off the screens so the doers can do.

As far as splitting the Left, pfft lol the left splits you. Just build a right first, because there isn’t one. The left has people, organizations and money, the right doesn’t exist off line in reality. Do that part first, seriously if the Left splits... or liberal J’s want to defect...

To what?

There’s no right to defect to..

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Well, that's pretty pessimistic.

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HAMAS would kill that on sight, whatever it is…

Most Muslims would.

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As an American who has lived in France for different periods of my life, I’ve always been dumbfounded by how successful the brainwashing has been viz. Le Front (ou Rassemblement or whatever they’re calling themselves now) National.

American society suffers from the same default left propaganda, but it seemed like being conservative in France was this dirty secret that people would only quietly reveal after getting to know and trust me enough, and probably because I’m a foreigner with conservative values myself.

Also as an American, I’m pretty done with seeing my country be Israel’s little bitch, so it’s harder for me to be sympathetic toward them, especially when their (or should I say our) rockets are killing Christians in Gaza, but being aware of the savagery of the Muslim world and having witnessed the Islamicization of France, I see your point.

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Thank you for your comment. Re: ethos in France, it’s strange. In some areas it’s much more open than the US in terms of what’s allowed for discussion, and others much more closed. I don’t have a good theory to account for it.

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YOU WROTE - "Democratic coalition in the US as the “Coalition of the Fringes”: the coalition of all groups that feel “excluded” from the mainstream, such as single women, racial and sexual minorities, the very poor, and so on."

The problem with this is that, at least in the United States, the Democratic coalition is far from being excluded from the mainstream. They ARE the mainstream. They control all the institutions. It's the white, Christian, heterosexual, working-class human who has been pushed the fringes and anytime they try to point out that they are poor, abused, and actually not racists, they are crushed by the institutions, silenced on social media, and in some cases arrested and held without trial for years.

I know the rhetoric of the Democrats - "we're the only hope for the 'marginalized' of the world." But what they say and what they do are two completely different things.

And, no, I'm not a Republican.

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It’s splitting the right too, Zio shills suck.

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Perhaps the division in the Left is between those -woke- motivated by solipsistic moral grandiosity, and older-style Leftists who still have some shred of class-consciousness. Not only do they have different enemies, but old-school Reds may see in the anti-Semitism of the Muslim poor a distraction from the oppression of their home-grown elites, i.e. "false consciousness".

As for the Democrats, theirs is a coalition of clients bound to fight over the size of their pie slice.

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