There's a lot that I take issue with about this post, mostly the tone, which is arrogant and over-the-top overconfident, like a Moldbug copycat (whose tone also doesn't translate well to this era, although it was amazing in 2007). There's silly comments like "Israel is the biggest recipient of US foreign aid. Who’s number 2? Egypt, as this was the price for the Camp David Accords. Is this because of the Egypt Lobby?" No, it's simply to bribe Egypt to stay out of another war with Israel. I mean, this is basic stuff. But a bigger question to ask that just blows this whole post out of the water is: if U.S. aid from the region was cut off across all quarters, both military and diplomatic, what would happen in the region? Israel would be swallowed up by the billion Muslims that surrounds it, immediately. Therefore the U.S. role in the region is much more one-sided than this post alleges.

Also, the U.S. does not need Middle Eastern oil, as it is basically an autarky and is a net oil exporter. There's a different argument that could be made about the U.S. wanting to maintain its worldwide hegemony and specifically the hegemony of the dollar via the petrodollar system, but that wasn't made here. If you want to understand how the U.S. role in the Middle East is *really* structured, check out the Tree of Woe series here:





As a point of constructive criticism, the click-baity "I'm definitely right and here's the secret why" Twitter tone does not translate well to Substack.

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I agree that your "bigger question to ask" is quite essential and gets to the heart of the matter.

"if U.S. aid from the region (I assume you mean "to Israel") was cut off across all quarters, both military and diplomatic, what would happen" to Israel?

And the answer is: not much at all. Foreign aid is 1% of Israel's GDP. Israel has a sophisticated domestic military industry (indeed, more sophisticated than the US), a vibrant high tech economy (which is not dependent on or the product of US foreign aid), and, oh yes, NUCLEAR WEAPONS.

In some ways Israel's defense posture would be improved, for example it would no longer have to buy the disastrous F-35 and could instead buy something better, like the Rafale, or a bag of bricks.

If you believe otherwise, I'm sorry, but you've been sold a bill of goods and/or you read too much Chomskyite, third-worldist, left-wing propaganda.

If you believe that without US aid Israel would be run over by its Arab enemies, the burden would be on you to explain why that would happen today when it was able to defeat those Arab enemies multiple times without US aid and when it was much poorer and smaller.

Finally: the US is a net oil exporter but this is recent and the price of oil is set on a global marketplace, the US would directly suffer from the global depression that would follow a tripling or quadrupling of the price of oil; foreign aid is "to bribe Egypt to stay out of another war with Israel", no, it was originally to bribe Egypt to leave the SOVIET sphere of influence and join the US sphere of influence, it was all part of a package. Egypt gets aid, Saudi gets aid, Jordan gets aid... America's buddies get aid. You may not like the system, but that's the system, and it's not particularly "about" Israel, it's "about" regional stability.

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You’re wrong and your understanding is outdated.

Israel’s military industrial complex, its economy, its position in the region is dependent on the US. Israel gets its ammunition from the U.S. The US guarantees the security situation in Israel. Without the US that situation becomes a lot more precarious for israel.

South Africa had nuclear weapons as well but Israeli nuclear policy is a threat to US interests in the region.

This isn’t the IDF from Israeli propaganda of 50 years ago. Setting aside the fact israel has never won a major regional war without US support, the IDF is not capable of defeating the multiple Arab militias that would descend on Israel in a regional war. The IDF have spent the last 30-40 years as a policing/occupation force shooting children and journalists, they’re not ready for the kind of fight that a regional war would entail. The iron dome which is reliant on ammo from the US would be easily saturated. Rockets would rain on Tel Aviv and their society will collapse. I think that’s a good thing, btw.

The other thing that is more likely to happen if the US withdraws support is israel will have to deal with the realities of the region and take a more reasonable approach to dealing with its neighbors. Or they can continue like this and destroy their society with their own decisions.

The system was about regional stability. That’s no longer the case. Our relationship with Israel and our unconditional military and diplomatic support enables Israel to take an extremely hostile stance in the region and undermines our own interests because israel is only one country. There are multiple others in the region that we have good relations with. Israel’s actions and the fact we finance and support it unconditionally alienates Israel and the US. It’s not a guarantee that israel will be wiped out if the US withdraws support, which would be a good thing. Israel could choose to not be an expansionist Jewish supremacist state, the only reason it’s allowed to have such a position in the region is because of the US. But this policy and harms the US and it should be ended.

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You clearly know nothing about the IDF. Firstly, without the Iron Dome, we would just destroy the people attacking us instead of cowering and hoping the iron dome gets the rockets. Secondly, the troops of the IDF are motivated and actually believe in the mission. We would destroy the garbage Arab armies. You seriously think the Syrian and Egyptian armies are any match for the IDF? Let them try.

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LOL 20 million Jews against 1.5 billions Muslims, the BRICs countries, all the west's left and much of the right and all the right? Your pipsqueak pissant arrogance is why you people always get spanked hard in the end.

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P.S. If Israel is independent as you claim then you really don't care if U.S. fully cuts off all aid to Israel and American citizens boycott products from Israel do you? Or again could it be you are lying and blowing smoke up people's asses?

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Why do I care if colonialist Jews control Palestine or not? Be specific with reference to how it serves me as an American citizen to prop up the genocidal apherteid state of Israel? And least you try to blow this off by saying I am a "leftist," without addressing the substantive content, I assure you I an way closer to being "third position" than a leftist, and I am part of an ever increasing U.S. populist right who is damn sick of parasitism by the tribe.

Are you (author) a Jew, and is this really about protecting your tribal interest despite all your pseudo-intellectual high minded rhetoric? Stop picking my pocket though taxes to fund your people's genocide, can you at least meet a minimal moral standard of taking responsibility for and funding your own goddamn genocide? Is that really too much to ask for?

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Hey Pascal, I've been reading you for many many years, probably since you were at The Week. I saw you arguing with Academic Agent on Twitter, and he's just really lost the plot. I've been watching him and a bunch of people in his YouTube "sphere" pretty assiduously the past few years, and I feel like they've all just lost the plot. These people have the biggest political opportunity probably since World War II to peel off a large chunk of the normie establishment, and large chunks of the Jewish establishment, away from mass immigration. They have the opportunity to normalize population exchange, and a priceless show of how dangerous large angry populations of Muslims colonizing the West can be! But no! They throw it all away because "the antisemitism is the point"! These people don't care about actually accomplishing their political goals, they don't care about saving the West or the white race or whatever, they've got Joos on the brain and they're pissing everything away for nothing!

I agree with many of the analyses and (supposed) goals of the Dissident/non-Normie Right, or whatever one calls it, and it really feels like they're falling into the old habits that they've been falling into since the days of George Lincoln Rockwell or whatever. Antisemitism such a powerful drug that they are pissing away all their goals, just because it's the Jews. How can we have a non-Regime Right that actually wants to save our civilization? I despair of knocking some sense into AA, but there have to be countervailing voices.

I'd love to have a chat if you have time, please let me know how to contact.


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Thank you for a great comment. I sadly agree with everything you said.

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It's absolutely insane. No one is coming to save us :)

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Yes people are sick of saving worthless Jew asses when you get into endless trouble with your shenanigans, take some goddamn responsibility for your fucked up lives and stop fobbing your problems you created with your neighbors off on the American tax payer.

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Academic agent > (((you and yours)))

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Globalist Jew usury and war mongering does WAY more damage to me as an American than anything any Muslim has done to me. "Anti-Semitism," is in fact the point unironically.

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Nov 6, 2023
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I am extremely not Jewish, and I have about 1000 years of family tree to show it.

Yes, our ruling class hates itself, and as a result, hates its own people. That has been the tragedy of the West for 200 years. Focusing on the Jews is a distraction.

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Yeah ok, zionist. You may not claim to be a Jew but you might as well be one.

You don’t get it. The ruling class isn’t your people. They don’t hate their own people, you’re not one of them. If you figure that out maybe you’ll have better analysis.

Nobody is focusing on the Jews. It’s political Zionism. Focusing on the fact over 50% of congress are self professed Zionists/dual citizens of Israel is not a distraction. The Secretary of State visited israel and announced himself not as the representative of the US and the interests of its people but as a Jew. Our *elected* officials can’t stop telling us how their primary interests are the interests of Israel and Zionism. Every major politician goes to Israel to grovel. Israel is the only country that can tell the US to shut up and give them money and guns and we just listen. Our politicians don’t even pretend to put US interests before Israel anymore. And all of this is the result of Jewish people and Zionists in general having outsized political power. We must be able to correctly point out that modern Judaism derives much of its teachings from the experiences of Jews in Europe. This includes a tremendous amount of Jewish supremacist ideology. The Jews of Europe (founders of Zionism and state of Israel), the Jews of the west, come from this Talmudic tradition where it is a universal truth that Jews are morally superior. We hear this language about moral superiority a lot, while they destroy this country and assert they have a right to murder innocent men, women, children, even the journalists documenting their crimes in self defense.

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Nov 6, 2023
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Exactly. The Jews have been the world foremost rentiers and war mongers for centuries.

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How much more deportation would you like? It’s already pretty high

But I’m going to assume you mean deporting 13+ million people which in that case would cause a massive political and economic crisis. I agree with the rest though, you’re just scapegoating migrants while half heartedly acknowledging the fact the people with the actual money and power take our resources, not to give to migrants, but to fund a Jewish supremacist ethnostate thousands of miles away. The same ones that control foreign policy and created the migrant crises to begin with and want to create another migrant crisis now.

So think about what you are saying. Deportations? Who does this benefit primarily? The Israelis make a fortune off selling border security & surveillance technology. Deportations don’t solve the problem, it’s just another opportunity for them to make money off the suffering of regular people while also using the issue a divide & conquer tactic.

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American Derp State 👍👍

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I wish I knew who came up with the term, it's so great!

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It's funny when people say "Israel is the largest recipient of US foreign aid", namely 4 billion dollars a year, and forgot that the US has a 900 billion dollar army stationed all around the world and nobody cares.

I mean, 75K troops in Japan and Korea and 66K in Europe aren't technically "foreign aid", but they sure cost a hell of a lot more, but no, it's the Joos that are running the show...

BTW, is there a similar degree of Jew obsession in France, or is it an Anglo thing?

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Great point about the deployments

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Lol Henry Kissinger was a Jew. Wait till you find out who is pushing for never ending military budget increases, 800+ military bases and a permanent war economy?

It’s so funny you people do this, you reveal you’re all just useful idiots.

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Stupid comment. “Nobody cares”… according to who? Our military budget is the source of significant disagreement between the mainstream lib/left democrats and regular leftists like me. It’s why I’ve never voted for a dem or Republican.

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Hi Pascal, I appreciate you addressing this topic, most Americans are too afraid or plea ignorance when asked about America's relationship with Israel. I'd like to point out that it's a known fact Netanyahu strengthened Hamas with US and Qatari funding to use them as a convenient excuse to political leaders why he can't negotiate a peace treaty. He's admitted this several times.

Also, Israel has been given military technology by the US which Israel then sells to China for profit and to build ties with a rival power. They've been publicly warned many times but never are punished.

Israel successfully lobbied for the release of Jonathan Pollard, widely considered the worst traitor in American history. He was greeted with a hero's welcome in Israel. https://www.military.com/history/jonathan-pollard-was-one-of-most-damaging-spies-us-history.html

I agree that many within the American government don't like Israel or consider it an ally, but the question is about Israel's influence with the American government, and it's substantial.

Up to 50% of Democrat campaign donations and 25% of GOP donations are from Jewish billionaires supporting Israel. Follow the money as they say:


There's more examples but I didn't want to come across as obnoxious because I really enjoy your Twitter account and I'm glad you started a substack. Take care.

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Israel will be swallowed by its neighbors if we withdraw all military and diplomatic support? This is a great idea, actually.

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There seems to be a contradiction, and I'm curious of your explanation. On one hand you say in your article, and in a comment on this article, that Israel does not actually need our aid. Its actually quite miniscule, and Israel would do just fine, perhaps even better, without it. To put it quickly and simply, you attempt to downplay such aid. But in the same article, you also describe these vocal gestures as signs of fear and weakness. Fear and weakness of what? Of losing, as you say, a miniscule amount of aid?

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You're conflating some things. Yes, Israel doesn't need the aid (it's 1% of their GDP), but it's the sign that the support happens primarily at a political level (the budget which is voted on by Congress) rather than at the deep state/bureaucratic level. Separately, I explain how the vocal nature of pro-Israel politics are a sign of the weakness of the Israel lobby.

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So you have no problems with zeroing out all aid to Israel which after all is a 1st world country, and in no need of our largesse?

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Money to Egypt and Palestinians can be interpreted as money paid on behalf of Israel so that Israel gets what it wants. The Zionist lobby is extraordinarily powerful on Capitol Hill.

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Money to Egypt was paid primarily so that Egypt, a significant regional power, would leave the Soviet sphere of influence and join the American sphere of influence.

Like, at some point, you can make everything about Israel. The reality is that US policymakers just don't think much about Israel, and when they do, their feelings are more likely to be mixed or negative than positive.

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In 1974 US aid to Egypt was $70m, that aid grew to $1.3b when Egypt signed an interim peace with Israel, and grew to $5.9b in 1979 with the Israel-Egypt peace treaty. A similar story is behind US aid to Jordan. Aid to Israel's neighbors is in fact aid to Israel.

This support would make sense if US received benefits that outweighed the costs but we don't. Cold War is long gone, Eastern Med is not a significant source of petroleum, and the muslims chanting “Death to America” are in large part motivated by our support of the Zionists.

The explanation for this strategic madness is Zionist capture of the American government. Behind every representative who wants to give unlimited support to Israel are Zionist Americans and their money. Take a look at open secrets for Lindsey Graham for example. The money is everywhere.

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TBH it really doesn't sound like you read the article.

This is the thing with bandwagon jumpers. The bias is unconditionally is on the perceived oppressed, at all costs. Even in the face of mountains of facts that prove otherwise. This generation of youth will never get it because they've been coddled to believe that their fee-fee's are more important than anything or anyone or as Shapiro perfectly says it, facts don't care about your feelings. Either we team up to collectively spank them or they will keep dragging us kicking and screaming towards an idiocracy, which only emboldens to keep fighting the patriarchy.

I blame them, I blame us more, and I blame the previous generation the most.

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You're making an error that is common on the Right, confusing opposition to Zionists as a form of Wokeness. Woke have their reasons (broken clock twice daily) but me and others like me have other reasons for opposing Israel that have nothing to do with opposing the patriarchy or being coddled: Israeli foreknowledge of 9-11, Zionist provocations and PR campaign that led to Iraq invasion, Israeli intelligence behind Epstein and his blackmail operation just to name a few.

Zionists would like nothing more than to paint any opposition to them as weak or liberal. Don't fall for their lies.


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Yeah that guy is a faggot zionist like Ben Shapiro. These people are committing treason and they should be punished accordingly. I don’t accept their misdirection anymore.

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I am 58 and hate the woke, so wrong on both accounts in my case. Jews just suck, they have for millennia ever since the fall of the 2nd temple and their abandonment of Torah Judaism for Rabbinic Talmud Judaism. This accelerated when they conspired with the Medccis to overturn the Catholic prohibition on usury, and accelerated again when the Rothschilds started a global banking cartel based on fomenting war.

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Retard quoting Ben Shapiro. You can be dismissed as a loser. Ben Shapiro is an idiot and you must also be a gay idiot if you think he’s ever said anything remotely intelligent. They need you in israel, get out of my country, ziocuck.

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> Ben Shapiro is an idiot and you must also be a gay idiot if you think he’s ever said anything remotely intelligent.

And yet you're the one who can speak only in cheap insults.

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Please spare me. You know full well Israel gets way more money than other middle eastern countries and this being far smaller than in both area and population than other middle eastern countries.

Further you also well know are politicians U.S. politicians are bought and sold by pressure groups like AIPAC and billionaires like Sheldon Adelson. There is no such analogous power in the U.S. from Muslims. Please look at high level cabinet positions and compare how many are members of the tribe compared to their percentage of the U.S. population, and then rinse and repeat for Muslims.

So clearly and obviously you are lying. Why?

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This is very good!

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I posted earlier;

🇮🇱 is a stick we 🇺🇸 beat cheap oil 🛢️⛽️out of the Gulf Arabs with… the Palestinian are a stick used to beat 🇮🇱.

That’s “influence”.

Democracy and socialism never mind socialized bourgeoisie life for the masses is expensive… need cheap oil.


For an encore let’s explore Qatar’s 🇶🇦 business case for buying THREE 💩 Sports franchises in DC.

Hockey, Basketball and Baseball being real popular in Qatar…

It’s “the Lobby.” 🤣

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Isn’t the current domestic policy of the dolts in the wacky and harmful Biden regime with their oil and gas policies causing the price of fossil fuels to skyrocket? The skyrocketing oil and gas prices now are due primarily to their domestic policies and massive wasteful public spending, not international gamesmanship.

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I agree that Biden's policies have been bad but I don't think we can go as far as to blame the 80 year old Israeli-Palestinian conflict on them.

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Well that’s because you’re wrong. None of these people are new. Their ideas aren’t new. This has been US policy for the past 30-40 years.

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Never insinuated that the Mid-East conflict is responsible for skyrocketing prices on everything. Everything Biden does is bungled. The guy is probably a fraudulent president because election integrity was nonexistent in 2020 election. I know the article was on the Mid-East conflict but it is overshadowed by Biden’s corruption and incompetence causing mayhem everywhere, which is not an exaggeration. WWIII is raising its ugly head as the American people weave and dance through a Washington, D.C. made economic, social/cultural and justice system quagmire.

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FYI, Biden’s position on Israel is no different from trump or any US President with exception of Obama

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No. You’re wrong about all of that.

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The Israeli response to Hamas should be interpreted as a fear biting response. It is notable how much the US manipulates Israeli policy -- and it's notable in that whatever you think about the various states of the region, their "little/big x" interpretation of policy is basically right - Israeli policy isn't Israel manipulating the US into getting away with blasting civilians to dust, it's really just the US's policy to let it happen so it can eliminate problems and at the same time wring its hands to an increasingly slimmer audience about how it would love to do something about the problem but can't (it can.) The takeaway is that an objective look at how the USG allows Israelis to blast hospitals and civilian camps to bits on the allegation that there are tunnels underneath (newsflash: there are probably tunnels everywhere there!) is the same fundamental policy that it has towards 'deplorables'. The derp state doesn't like Israel because they don't know how to be tasteful about bombing weddings.

By the way, given US reserves of potential oil, it's probably the case that the US would be fine washing its hands of the Israel-Palestine conflict. But everyone's strategy is to try to use everyone else's resources first, because even if you don't believe oil is a fossil fuel (I don't) it is still often better to use someone else's stuff first, rather than being forced to drain whatever resources you have, which might be greater or lesser than you think.

And that comes to down to what is probably the central geopolitical conflict - that is that our western teet that goes thru Suez (and apparently wants Ashkelon etc to be really secure) is in direct conflict (goes across, you might say) a certain one belt, one road another superpower is planning.

If the US would drop its green policies it might have some options (it already is showing pragmatism towards Venezuela) - but the general trend in these things is to double down because of political pressure/energy being directed via the power of symbolic notions in ideology. So one could expect in order to maintain political cohesion in the core, they must double down on every failed policy idea or risk political (but not real) extinction. And to them, the worst of all possible worlds is one where of all things, the kulaks just win.

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